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The Wonder Years..how much of this life can we do? : Sciatic pain in Pregnancy doesn't have to be unbearable..

Friday, 12 December 2014

Sciatic pain in Pregnancy doesn't have to be unbearable..

Yesterday, I reached 29 weeks in my pregnancy and whilst I've been growing nicely, and doing pretty well I have been struggling with sciatic pain all down my left side which has been getting progressively worse. It's especially bad in my hip and glute muscle on that side. I'm doing regular pregnancy yoga classes which I love at The Yoga Hall in St Albans that definitely helps, and I've made their molasses cookies (mmm). 

I'm trying to maintain the gym but my 4am starts and busy days mean I've not been as much as possible, so I've been doing other core exercises thanks to my Hubby and my swiss ball. 
Yet I'm still in quite a bit of discomfort. At four months, I visited Mahendra ( who my husband and I call 'The Wizard' - due to his brilliant healing powers) at Absolute Vitality. He explained my left hip was impacted probably from before pregnancy, he basically pulled my leg and gave some movement exercises to do, which all made a big difference..for a while. 
As I've progressed through the weeks, the pain has returned and intensified at time. My sleep has worsened. I've followed all the tips, including these from the Baby Centre 
  • Apply a heat or an ice pack to the painful area for 10 minutes.
  • Wear flat, soft shoes. They may help prevent jarring of your spine when you walk. Or you may find that wearing shoes with a small heel helps your back pain.
  • Watch your posture and try to keep your back slightly arched. When sitting, use a small bolster cushion or a rolled up towel behind your back to support your spine.
  • Try not to lift anything heavy. If you do have to lift something, bend from your knees and keep your back straight.
  • Listen to your body and stop doing whatever is hurting you.
  • Keep mobile. Try not to still for long periods.
  • Use pillows and cushions to support your bump in bed.

BUT YESTERDAY it all changed. I visited Jay from Absolute Vitality to have a Thai yoga massage. I'd been looking at pregnancy massages, however sought out Mahendra's advice and he recommended Jay. We had a chat on the phone where she explained how she could do a deep massage for the sciatic pain, obviously not as intense as a proper Thai massage. It sounded good. So along I went. 

I did plenty of grimacing during the one hour massage, but Jay was brilliant and when I stood up, for the first time, in about 6 months, I felt relaxed. I wasn't tensing my body, or carrying myself differently to ease the pain. It was amazing.  Jay also showed me some further movements to in an attempt to ease the discomfort as I got nearer my due date. 

I'm still reaping the benefits today, I was nervous getting out of bed, as each morning I've been very stiff, as Jay had warned me I'd be sore from her treatment. 

I HIGHLY recommend you find someone like Jay,  if you're not near North London. If you suffering from this kind of pain - you might tell your midwife and they'll give you a sympathetic face. 

I asked mine about a pelvic band which Jay had told me about. She had been given one a decade ago when pregnant. My midwife said 'We used to refer them but we don't now, but you I could refer you to a physio, but and they could get you one, but it will probably take up until your due.. otherwise you could go to a big chemist!' 

Not the most helpful, but hey.. and I have been give something by a pal to try..

Don't assume as lots of people will tell you, it's part of being pregnant. OK so it is, but it can ease. This will help SO MUCH!

Thanks Jay - you're my angel!
Nat x

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At 13 December 2014 at 20:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

So glad the massage helped. Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly and is pain free x

Jay varsani


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